Bertolli Premium Edition Green

This clean, balanced green fruit olive oil is made by making it. Slow. Piano, piano. Going back to the appreciation of the authentic. Of the simple things.

It’s true, sometimes the best recipe for making olive oil is just making it with passion and trying to find the right balance. Making it so many times that we don´t even realize we were doing it. That’s when we earned the warmth of our people. Getting that balance of a distinct artichoke aroma and flavor combined with hints of aromatic herbs and citrics. It’s that simple. With love and passion for what we do finding the balanced essence of bitterness and pungency.

Bertolli Premium Edition Green



The best olive oil selection, our more than 150 years of expertise and the passion we have for our work are everything we need to be the World’s N1 Olive Oil brand.

Discover our extra virgin olive oils honored with awards at the world´s premier competition.

Bertolli Premium Edition Black

Bertolli Premium Edition Black

Being strong sometimes means being able to be fearless. Fearless to indulge the deeply green with strong grassy flavor. Fearless in facing the fear. Just trying to find the olive oil by choice and not by chance.

Fearless to combine green vegetables, tomato leaf, artichoke, banana peel and avocado notes. When you try new things with logic and purpose, and you combine it with the emotional way of doing it, it is when you realize that being fearless is the only way to find the pleasant bitterness combined with a long peppery finish that is defined by this oil. Because the truth is, with the Picual, Picudo Cobrançosa and the Nocellara de Belice varieties blended to find that perfect balance, we already have everything we need.